What’s new in 1.3.2¶
Non-visual selection polygons by polygroup¶
While automating polygon selection you may want to set polygroup name not just from dialog wrap.selectPolygons()
but also from command line.
So we added function wrap.Geom.selectPolygonsByPolygroup()
. You can get list of polygroups using attribute wrap.Geom.polyGroups
# load model
g = wrap.Geom(wrap.demoModelsPath + "HeadPolygroups_MakeHuman.obj")
# show polygroups
print g.polygroups
['Back', 'EarsOuter', 'Face', 'MouthOuter', 'Mouth', 'Ears', 'EarsInner', 'Eyes', 'EyesOuter', 'Nostrils', 'BackBottom']
# select polygroups
eyePolygons = g.selectPolygonsByPolygroup('Eyes')
# just show already selected polygons in viewport
We would like to answer your questions about it at our forum.
Accurate 3D-point projection onto Geom
We updated function wrap.Geom.pointToPointOnTriangle()
Previous version was returning point correspondig to closest vertex.
Now function does accurate projection onto closest triangle.
We fixed crash when importing some OBJ-files made by ZBrush.